6/12/24 LaPlata County Public Announcement
Community Announcement: Purgatory Village Holdings, LLC, is working with La Plata Counting Planning staff on a proposed 8th amendment to the DMC Development Agreement/Land Use Regulations (the governing documents for land use at DMR). This proposed amendment includes five simple administrative corrections, text cleanups, and modifications as listed below:
Table 4.1 of the DMR Land Use Regulations (Project Wide and Village Maximum Conceptual Densities) be amended for the purpose of correcting errors in the table as recorded under the 7th amendment.
Section 4.9 of the DMR Land Use Regulations, Bullet 14, be amended to remove “and Base Camp Village” so that the build-to setback lines do not apply to this village.
Section 4.10.5 of the DMR Land Use Regulations (Base Camp Village) be amended to modify the language in the seventh bullet to read: “Maximum Residential Units per Resort Condominium Building: 50” (i.e. this shall not apply to hotel buildings)
Section 4.10.5 of the DMR Land Use Regulations (Base Camp Village) be amended to modify the language to delete the last bullet that contains the following language: Structures shall conform to the Commercial and Multi-family Design Guidelines, Section VII, Appendix, North County Land Use Plan.
Section 6.0 of the DMR Land Use Regulations (Definitions) be amended to add a definition for “Lodge” as follows: Lodge – Any facility designed for the gathering of resort or hotel guests that is not a commercial, hotel or resort condominium use.
If any DMMA members have questions or concerns about this proposed amendment, you can reach out to Gary Derck, CEO of Purgatory Village Holdings at gderck@durangomountain.com (970) 759-1524, or Tracie Hughes, Senior Planner – La Plata County at thughes@lpcgov.org
(970) 382-6266.